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We are del.icio.us!



With a “to do” list a mile long I feel as though I’ll never get anything finished. Technically this isn’t finished either as it’s meant to be a living page and it’s well on it’s way.

My library is using our del.icio.us account to create our Weblinks page for our patrons. Robin set up the page using dishy and I’ve been busy adding links left and right. This is so much easier than maintaining a classic weblinks page, the Reference staff only has to know how to use del.icio.us and agree on a taxonomy for tags. No need to know html or use page editing software, which makes our website designer happy too. No creating each link manually or worry about ordering and descriptions. All I have to do it find the webpage, tag it with del.icio.us, assign my tags, add any descriptors I feel are necessary and voila it’s on our page. It’s just as easy to delete or update links too.

As I’ve been browsing other Library’s Weblinks page for links to include on ours, I was surprised to see no one else using this method. I’m sure they are out there, I just haven’t found one yet.Similar Posts:

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